Philadelphia Transit Vehicles

3423charging800-BustletonAve-6-6-07.jpg3423 charging 800 on Bustleton Ave, June 6, 20071656 views3423 helped out 800 by giving it a little "neo-power" to help 800 get air into the system and air tank.

Taken by Brandon S.
Tritransit Recorder44444
(13 votes)
800frontleftcnt-FrankfordDepot-6-1.jpg800 at Frankford Depot, June 6, 20071209 viewsTaken by Brandon S.Tritransit Recorder33333
(4 votes)
800sidecnt-FrankfordDepot-6-6-07.jpgSide of 800 at Frankford Deot, June 6, 20071595 viewsTaken by Brandon S.Tritransit Recorder55555
(15 votes)
800backrightcnt-FrankfordDepot-6-6-.jpgBack of 800 at Frankford Depot, June 6, 20071312 viewsPrototype 800 during its first day at Frankford.

Taken by Brandon S.
Tritransit Recorder55555
(5 votes)
SEPTA_800_A.jpg8001151 views800 Being Delivered (Photo by Daryl Jackson)Philly Transport44444
(4 votes)
SEPTA_800_B.jpg8001194 views800 arrived at Frankford 6/6/07 (Photo by Daryl Jackson)Philly Transport44444
(4 votes)
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